Who We Are

How Much We Charge What We Promise Who We Find Where We Go

Hi, my name is Loretta.

I started this adventure because of the daily listings of lost animals in Maine. There are many organizations helping with lost humans and there are some for lost dogs, but there’s a lack of services for other pets. Fairfield not only has success finding lost dogs, but also ferrets, rabbits and even a chicken. 🙂 We are currently working on finding lost cats.

I have a life-long love of animals and I volunteer for local animal rescues as a foster and assistant.

I have a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and have a counseling practice in Midcoast Maine. Obviously, helping is my thing.

Fairfield is named after my late Father who was known for his generous spirit and helping others. We (Fairfield and I) are carrying on his tradition of bringing joy and hope to others.

Hi, I'm Fairfield.

I come from a breeder in Maine who you can visit here.

My birthday is December 23, 2021 and as of this writing, I just turned one year old !

Loretta got me because her trainer, Jamie Robinson, talked her into getting a new dog to train up for finding lost pets. Jamie has trained two service dogs for Loretta's daughter over the years and helps with the foster dogs.

I am totally different from the other dogs that Loretta has had - three Newfoundlands and two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels - and everyday I teach her new things about border collies.